“Counterpoise,” he said.
“The title of a column!” he declared!
“What do you mean by that?” I replied.
Pastor Dan went on to explain the definition and significance that “counterpoise” (the noun) might have as the primary position we, as Christians, so often are called to take in our American lives — standing in opposition to cultural norms. Nothing has changed in the decade or so since our initial conversation.
The world is still depraved and we are still biblically called to stand in firm opposition to that depravity.
We are also called by Christ to boldly go into our world and proclaim the “good news.” Given that reality, the word “counterpoised” (the adjective) aptly describes the life of Christians in today’s society. We live counterpoised against the normal picture of American family life by “loving our enemy.” (Matthew 5:43-48)
It is in the spirit of that conversation with Pastor Dan a decade ago that we begin our discussion. It is a discussion about how we are to live out the “Great Commission” text of Matthew 28:16-20. It is a discussion about biblical truths lived out daily.
So, in the spirit of that conversation with Pastor Dan so long ago, we’ll begin our conversation about how we stand in opposition to many of today’s forces challenging the gospel. It need not always be boisterous opposition, although that is also called for on occasion.
The simple reality of continuing brotherhood in a local church (like Christ Church) over the years while learning and hearing and living out biblical truths week after week, year after year, witnesses to our neighbors that we are sincere and lasting in our faith. That silent witness will, over time bear fruit.
Let us raise our communal glasses to it! Let us raise our congregational voices in song! Let us live our individual lives in witness to biblical truth!