Hey Church Family,
As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s a wonderful opportunity to remember the countless things we have to thank God for, the greatest of which is the gift of His only Son so that we could be saved from our sins. We don’t ever want that to become common place to us.
And, in God’s providence, it just so happens that the next two Sundays are going to be on that glorious reality from Philippians 2:5-11. If you think of it, please pray for those messages. I feel inadequate to even begin to scratch the surface of this “Treasure”. Words fail. But I know He is eager to honor Christ and to richly bless us as His people. And because of that, let’s ask and come anticipating an encounter with Him!
I can’t wait til Sunday,
Asking God’s Spirit to Meet Us
I want to tell you how thankful I am for the clear grace of God on display each week. Eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to apply God’s Word are a divine gift. And that’s what is happening in our gatherings every Sunday. God is moving!!!
Towards that end, we have begun getting together in the library every Sunday prior to the meeting from 9:45-10 to pray over all aspects of the services, asking God’s Spirit to meet us as only He can. Anyone is welcome to join in that, we would love to have you! And even if you can’t make it then, let me encourage us all to use at least part of the drive in each week to pray along those lines. He is eager to bless us as we gather. So, let’s be asking!
If for some reason you miss a worship service, just know we’ll miss you, but Ron does a great job of getting the service uploaded quickly so you can stay connected. And in all things, as you’re doing so excellently, let’s press on in serving each another well!
I love this church body!
The hand of our God is with us!
I loved getting back into the rhythm of our first Sunday meals. We don’t get nearly as many opportunities to spend time together as we’d like. So, I relish those chances to sit down at a table together! They’re just a gift.
I was telling the deacons in our recent meeting that a repeated theme coming up in my morning devotions has been how God’s hand was with His people in their exile. And, as we’re discovering from Philippians, that same power is now with us through the Holy Spirit’s presence. So, as we heard last week, let me encourage us all to pray and specifically ask God to increase our faith in Him and in the glorious Gospel. That’s a prayer He is pleased to answer.
His work through us is always going to be shaped by His work in us. So, what a joy it’s going to be to see Him do what only He can do. The hand of our good God is with us!
The Promise of Jesus
As the news cycle continues to churn this week, I can’t help but be reminded of Jesus’ promise to His disciples shortly before His crucifixion. “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.” As believers in Him, everything hinges on that reassuring truth. Indeed, that’s exactly why we gather on Sundays and that’s what our Philippians series is all about. Please continue to pray for that peace to be supernaturally growing in our hearts week by week!
Also, don’t forget about the children’s ministry interest meeting today! (9/12/21) This will be an opportunity to talk about the strategic opportunity we have, the vision for passing the Gospel on to the next generation, and an overview of the plan. I’ll work to keep it short!
Pastor Bart on Philippians
God intends to do God size things as we open Philippians each week. And certainly, there is no greater miracle in the human soul than to experience genuine joy in the person and work and presence of Jesus Christ. That’s the greatest miracle that there is for a human soul — to rejoice in the person and work and presence of Jesus.
That’s the “Joy in Jesus.”
I ask you to be praying that the Holy Spirit would make Jesus more glorious in our eyes, that our bond together as those who are bound together in him would only deepen and strengthen and that our witness to an outside world that we belong to Jesus Christ would only be emboldened.